3HAN: A Deep Neural Network for Fake News Detection


       Last week, Ilham gave a presentation about the paper, 3HAN: A Deep Neural Network for Fake News Detection, and shared some opinion on it.

After the presentation, several questions were asked. The Q&As are listed as following:

Q:Is this paper dependent on content, whether the title is more important? because there are many news’ contents in China that do not match the title.
A: This paper uses 3HAN, it has three levels, one each for words, sentences, and the headline, and constructs a news vector, different parts of an article have a attention weights.

Q: Does anyone have ideals about detecting fake news?
A: our jobs may not only be in detecting fake news, in social media , wo can find its original organization which organization posted this news by its contents.

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About the Author: nlpvv
