Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation Based on Person Modeling

Hua-Ping ZHANG,Zhi-Hua LIU,Qian MO,He-Yan HUANG.Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation Based on Person Modeling.In Proceedings of CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing (CLP 2010).Beijing, China.2010.8 .p374-378

This document presents the bakeoff results of Chinese personal name in the First CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing. The authors introduce the frame of person disambiguation system LJPD, which uses a new person model. LJPD was built in short time, and it is not given enough training and adjustment. Evaluation on LJPD shows that the precision is competitive, but the recall is very low. It has more space for further improvement.

Name disambiguation.pdf(80.8 KB)

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