
秦鹏,张华平,基于关键词提取的检索结果聚类研究,第五届全国信息检索学术会议(CCIR2009), 上海,2009-11

摘 要:信息检索的结果往往庞杂,缺乏有效地加工整理,对搜索结果进行聚类是一种普遍的需求,而传
经实验验证,该方法P@10 达到80%,用户满意度达到85%。实验结果表明,基于关键词提取的搜索结果聚

Abstract: Web Search results clustering is userd to organize search results which is complicated and poorly organizted ,
and make it easy for user to browse the results. Web search results is required widly. Traditional clustering techniques
are inadequate since they can not generate clusters with highly readable names and they process so slowly that can not
meet the requirement. A multi-feature integrated model is developed to evaluate of the keyword , which combines the
term frequence, POS, mutual information features together. The improved keyword extraction method takes into
account of the feature of search result. According to the experiments, it can be concluded that the method, which
P@10 reached 80% and customer satisfaction reached 85%, is better than known system.
Keywords: keyword extraction; search result clustering; information retrieval

SearchClustering.pdf(190 KB)

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